Methodist Summer Fellowship
Sunday 2nd - Friday 7th August 2026
Theme for 2026: Pilgrimage
The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick
MSF 2024
We look forward to seeing you at MSF 2024. Here is a message from Jane Stanfield, former president of MSF 2022.
Hello MSF members,
It was lovely to catch up with some of you at Greenbelt this Bank Holiday. With apologies to any of you I did not meet, and further apologies to Neil Parkinson who was moving too fast on his taxi for me to take a photo, I have a collage of hopefully familiar faces here. One new face is baby Robin Slatcher, and two others are previous speakers
at MSF – Jonathon Herbert from 2022 and Julie Siddiqi from 2019. I am really looking forward to next summer when Justice and Grace will be explored – what a fantastic theme. And we have Nicola Morrison as
our president who will bring us great experience, skills and gifts to the role. Don’t forget to book your place.
I hope to see as many of you as possible there and wish you every blessing in the year to come.
With love,
Preparing for this year's gathering
Methodist Summer Fellowship; a community of faith where all are invited, all are included, and all are equal.
Methodist Summer Fellowship seeks to ensure that everyone feels welcome, comfortable, valued, and accepted.
Rooted in God’s love for all we are committed to being an inclusive community where everyone can fully participate and feel confident in being their authentic self.
Please do share with us any accessibility, sensory, or additional requirements you, or any under your care, have so that we can ensure we create an environment that is enjoyable for everyone.
Likewise, during our time together, if there is something we can improve to better enable your engagement and sense of belonging please do let one of this year’s MSF committee members know.
Familiar faces from MSF taken at Greenbelt 2023